Electrochemical Equipment:
- Potentiostat – EG&G PAR Model 273 Digital with Computer Interface
- Each one Bioanalytical Systems Models CV-2, CV-27 and CV-100 Potentiostat
- BAS 100B/W electrochemical system. The BAS 100 instrumentation is equipped with:
- PA-1 preamplifier
- Computerized potentiostat BAS 100B
- Two BAS C3 Cell Stands
- One of which is set up inside a MBraun Labmaster 130 Inert Atmosphere Glove box
- Graphitic carbon and platinum working electrodes
- Silver and calomel reference electrodes
Inert Atmosphere Glove Boxes:
- Two double MBraun Labmaster 130 Glove Boxes, equipped with:
- Oxygen and humidity sensors,
- Solvent removal system,
- Touch screen controls,
- Internal box cooling,
- Internal charcoal trap,
- Small manual controlled antechamber,
- Large antechambers (manual or automatically controlled),
- Each two inbuilt -35 °C freezers, – internal built in coldwell
FT-IR and Raman Spectrometers:
- FT-IR Spectrometer – Thermo Electron Corporation Nicolet Nexus 670 FT-IR
- FT-Raman Spectrometer – Thermo Electron Corporation FT-Raman Module
- FT-IR Spectrometer – 2 Thermo Electron Corporation IR 200 Spectrometer
- FT-IR Spectrometer – Jasco 410 (0.9 cm -1 resolution)
Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry:
- High Resolution GC/MS – Finnigan MAT 8340
- GC, LC or direct insertion for high resolution mass spectrometry
- Structure confirmation of organic and inorganic species
- Resolution of > 10,000 (at 10% valley)
- Mass range (m/z) of up to 8400
- GV Instruments Iso Prime Micromass isotope ratio mass spectrometer
- GC/MS – Finnigan GCQ gas chromatograph / ion-trap mass spectrometer, direct insertion
- GC/MS – Varian GC with TSD Detection and Saturn Ion Trap Mass Spec Detection and solid Phase Micro Extraction, SPME, interface
- GC/MS – HP 5890 Series II GC; 5970 Mass Selective Detector and computerized acquisition
- GC/MS – HP 5890 Series II GC; 5971 Mass Selective Detector and computerized acquisition
- GC – HP 5890 Series II GC; Flame Ionization Detector and Integrator
- GC – ThermoQuest Trace FID and ECD Detection
- GC – Varian GC; TSD and FID Detection and Computerized Acquisition
LC and HPLC systems:
- LC-MS – Bruker Daltonics Esquire instrument with autosampler and both Electro-Spray, ESI, and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization, APCI, heads, inlets.
- HPLC – Waters 2695 Separations Module with Waters 596 Photodiode Array Detector
- HPLC – 2 Waters 1525 Binary HPLC systems with Waters 2487 Dual Absorbance Detectors
- HPLC – 1 Varian Star Model 9010 with Variable Wavelength UV/VIS
- GPC-SEC-HPLC – GBC Instruments/Polymer Labs GPC-SEC-HPLC system
- Autosampler
- Isocratic / gradient pump
- Column oven
- RI and diode array UV-visible detectors
- Data system
- Other miscellaneous HPLC systems
Flame – Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer and X-Ray Fluorescence
- X-Ray Fluorescence – Bruker S2 Ranger XRF
UV-Vis and other Spectrophotometer:
- 2 Diode Array Spectrometers – HP8452A UV/VIS
- 2 Diode Array Spectrometers – HP8451 UV/VIS
- Scanning Spectrometer – Shimadzu Model UV260 UV/VIS
- Scanning Spectrophotofluorometer – Shimadzu Model RF5000U
- Many miscellaneous spectrometers and spectrophotometers
Thermal Analysis Instrumentation:
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry – TA Instruments 2910 DSC
- Thermal Gravimetric Analysis – TA Instruments 2050 TGA
- Viscometry – Cannon CT-518 constant temperature bath for viscometry measurements
Other miscellaneous Equipment:
- Ultracentrifuge – Beckman Model L-8
- Centrifuge – Sorvall RC 5C Plus
- Automatic Polarimeter – Perkin Elmer Model 344
Center for Biomedical and Environmental Research (CBER):
- Protein analyses: peptide mapping, Western blotting, SDS-PAGE, IEF/2-D gel electrophoresis
- Beckman Coulter CEQ 2000 XL DNA Analysis System
Soft Surface Analysis
- Atomic force microscope (AFM)
- Class A Solar Simulator
- Optical parametric oscillator
- Pump laser
- Raman Microscope
- Surface prep facilities:
- Mask aligner for nano-patterning
- Advanced spin-coater for multilayer film preparation
Structure and Chemical Instrumentation facility
- Three X-Ray Single Crystal Diffractometers
- Powder X-Ray Diffractometer
- X-Ray Fluorimeter
- NMR Spectroscopy
- Two Varian Multinuclear NMRs
- 300 and 400 MHz
- Varian EM-360
- 60 MHz
- Other Equipment:
- Mass Spectrometry
- Electrochemistry
- Materials Characterization
- Inert Atmosphere Glove Boxes
- GC, LC and HPLC Instrumentation
- FT-IR and UV-vis spectrometers
- Atomic emission and XRF
- Transmission Electron Microscope
The Photonics and Semiconductor Laboratory
- Laser and photonics equipment for analysis of photoluminescence
- Nonlinear optics and spectral analysis including:
- 55-watt
- 325 nm He-Cd laser
- Quadrupled Nd:YAG 10-Hz laser
- Doubled 5kHz diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser
- PMTs
- Monochromators
- Optical Power meters
- High power Nikon microscope (Eclipse ME- 6)
- Objective lenses (up to 1,000x) for sample inspection
- Computer interfaced Keithley and Agilent meters
- Microprobes for I-V and CV characterization
- Interfaced with a dedicated Dell Pentium 4 workstation for data collection
- Student-constructed laser tweezer system
- Two vacuum deposition systems
- One fitted with sputter guns for DC magnetron sputter deposition
- Other fitted with graphite heater for vacuum annealing
- Well-equipped machine shop
Chemical Vapor Deposition Laboratory
- Study of deposition of chemical vapors onto a solid substrate under atmospheric pressure and under vacuum down to 6 torr
- The system includes:
- A Varian 3800 gas chromatograph with thermal conductivity detector;
- A Carbolite VST furnace with Mullite process tube capable of temperatures up to 1500 oC;
- Mass flow control of up to four feed gases;
- Automatic data acquisition of all process variables.
Corrosion Laboratory
- Gamry Multichem 8-Channel Electrochemistry system to study the corrosion rates of coated and uncoated metals
- Eight samples can be measured simultaneously
- Critical pitting temperature system is included to determine at what temperature a metal begins to corrode for various corrosive liquids
Differential Scanning Calorimetry Laboratory
- Perkin-Elmer Diamond differential scanning calorimeter equipped with HyperDSC
- Allows the study of melting points and phase transitions of polymers and pharmaceuticals from -50 oC to 750 oC at temperature ramp rates up to 500 oC/min
Plastic Injection Molding Laboratory
- Van Dorn Demag Ergotech EXTRA 55-200 with NC4 Ergocontrol injection molding machine with a 50 metric tonne capacity, 3-ounce shot capacity, internal mold cooling capability
- Two ASTM tensile bar molds are available
Vacuum Casting Laboratory
- Capable of producing silicon molds to study the effect of mold design on plastic parts prepared by vacuum casting
- An Ellisse Vacuum Chamber with an MCP Vacuum Casting System is employed to produce and cure samples
- A MCP Silicomat Vacuum Mixing unit is utilized to prepare silicon to manufacture molds
Strength of Materials and Structures Laboratories
- 600 kip and 120 kip universal testing machines
- MTS hydraulic pump testing system, MTS vibration testing system with actuators
- MTS fatigue testing equipment with independent controls, torsion and impact testing machines
- Machines for testing strains in different materials under various loading situations
- P3 Strain Indicator and Recorder from Vishay Micro-Measurements with four input channels
Microscopy and Materials Testing Laboratory
- Instron Universal Testing Machine: capable of tension/compression/flexure testing up to 30,000 pounds. Additional software automatically collects test data and provides real-time stress-stress graphs
- Zeiss Metallograph & Nikon Stereomicroscopes: Light microscopes with digital cameras linked to adjustable 21-inch LCD display
- Struers planopal and pedemax polishers/grinders: automatic grinder/polisher capable of rapid metallographic sample preparation
- Struers Primopress: dual staging press for quick hot-mounting of metallographic samples
Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory
- Cambridge Stereoscan 200 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): capable of 200,000 times magnification
- Digital imaging upgrade allows for fast rendering of high-resolution micrographs and fractographs for a wide and diverse range of specimen types
- Ability to generate highresolution images using the diction of the SE and BSE electrons
- SEM Column and Specimen Chamber: The electron detector is able to receive both SE and BSE electrons for detailed microscopy
- Tungsten filament, housed in the upper section of the column, is able to generate up to 30 keV for powerful, rich microscopy
- EDAX [Energy Dispersive x-ray Microanalysis] unit
- Liquid-nitrogen-free system coupled with Genesis™ software allows for powerful elemental analysis, including line, map and particle x-ray microanalysis.
Manufacturing Laboratory
- Z-Corporation™ 3D Printer: allows for full processing of rapid prototypes on the 3D printer. In addition, molds for direct aluminum casting can be produced from digital data.
- Thermolyne High-Temperature Furnace
- Maximum temperature range is up to 2900º F
- Capable of heat treatment of a wide and diverse range of materials
- Van Dorn Plastics Injection Molder
- Rapid manufacturing of molded plastic (a wide range of plastics can be used) parts