
505 King Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201-2693


Columbus Chamber of Commerce
150 South Front Street, Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215


Dayton Development Coalition
900 Kettering Tower
Dayton, OH  45423


Greater Cleveland Partnership
1240 Huron Road E., Suite 300
Cleveland, OH  44115-1717


41 S. High Street
Columbus, OH  43215[/halfcolumn]

[halfcolumn]National Aviation Heritage Alliance
26 South Williams Street
Dayton, OH 45402


Ohio Aerospace Institute
22800 Cedar Point Road
Cleveland, OH  44142


Ohio Department of Development
77 South High Street
PO Box 1001
Columbus, OH  43216-1001


6705 Steger Drive
Cincinnati, OH  45237-3097[/halfcolumn]